
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

Big Data Platform

Responsible for writing the Web backend interface (SpringCloud, Springboot);Mainly responsible for technical points: SpringCloud, SpringBoot, Oracle, Redis, Kafka, ElasticSearch, front-end VueThe project mainly captures portraits and vehicle data at all monitoring points in Yancheng CityKafka consumes 20 million data every day, Redis displays the real-time traffic ranking of each port, and the data is stored in ElasticSearch for personnel trajectory query.

Supply Chain Management System

It is mainly to provide cross-border cargo logistics services for domesticand foreign customers, but also to better manage cargo orders, financial, third-party and other data , and to standardize business.Customers have their own goods suppliers in China, they will wholesale goods from domestic suppliers, and then export the goods to foreign countries for retail through the channels of the platform.The project include several modules, such as Booking, pickups, shipments, inventory,supplier, prep, labeling, products, financial,company settings,user settings.I am in charge of the backend and the front end (React).